Although good business sense should lead law firms toward legal technology innovation and investment, firms are largely static in their adoption of technology, said recent blog posts from Boston-based Blue Hill Research.
The three-part blog series called “Why Do Law Firms Struggle With Strategic IT?” was penned by David Houlihan, principal analyst at Blue Hill Research. Houlihan examines the last several years of the annual purchasing surveys from the International Legal Technology Association and legal tech blog InsideLegal. Legal tech spending is up from 2013 to 2014, according to the most recent survey. However, there has not been a significant change in IT spending or strategy since 2010, Houlihan said.
Houlihan identified several factors in firms that resisted technology change:
“Attorney Luddite-ism” and cultural resistance can “hamstring” technology deployments.
Time is valuable, and the billable hour frowns upon efficient technology.
More emphasis is placed on the time needed for software training than comprehending its potential benefits.
The partnership model generally focuses on the “disincentive to invest in operation.”
To embrace new technology, Houlihan suggests providing IT stakeholders with information regarding how IT can support growth and profit margins, as well as with education opportunities.
Communication between IT and attorney stakeholders is essential, Houlihan said, and may be accomplished via “cross-functional technology steering committees that combine IT, managing partners, practice leaders, associates and legal support and firm administration staff.”
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