Jason Atchley - Technology Sales & Business Development
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Jason Atchley : Legal Tech 2014 : eDiscovery Panels Day 2
Jason Atchley
LegalTech E-Discovery Panels: Day 2
It's easy to get completely overwhelmed at LegalTech New York, so here's a 'cheat sheet' to help you choose among the many panels on Wednesday, Feb. 5.
It's easy to get completely overwhelmed by the three-day marathon that is LegalTech New York, Feb. 4-6. Of course, the most important thing to remember is wear very, very comfortable shoes. You'll need them to traverse the massive Hilton New York for three days! Here's an e-discovery "cheat sheet" to help you decide which panels to attend!
Eight Tracks
EDS: Actionable E-Discovery (FTI Technology) BD: Big Data (Recommind) SM: Business of Law Track (LexisNexis) TD: Transforming E-Discovery (Kroll Ontrack) CLT: Corporate Legal IT (ILTA & Commvault) CR: Cost & Risk (HuronLegal) EOL: The Evolution of Lawyering (LexisNexis) LFM: Law Firm Management (Thomson Reuter)
Day two kicks off with the don't-miss keynote: "Judges Panel:" Changing Rules and Best Practices in e-Discovery," (open to all). It features four of the most "front and center" federal jurists who are shaping the future of e-discovery: three from the Southern District of New York: Judge Shira Scheindlin, and Magistrate Judges James Francis and Andrew Beck; the fourth from the District of Columbia, Magistrate Judge John Facciola. The panel will be moderated by Austin-based attorney and forensic technologist, Craig Ball.
ED: "Predictive Coding and Analytics Applied on Three Common Scenarios." TE: "Have We Reached a 'John Henry' Moment in Evidentiary Search?" CR: "Discovery Insourcing v. Outsourcing—Finding the Right Balance for Your Organization"
General Session: "E-Discovery with the Strings Attached: How the Cloud Will Change E-Discovery in 2014 and Beyond.
EDS: "Advice from Counsel: One Small Step for E-Discovery, A Giant Leap for Information Governance?" BD: "The End of Predictive Coding?" TD: "The E-Discovery Pulse: Metrics You Need to Know. CR: "Dispelling Myths: Understanding the Risks of Discovery Outsourcing."
EDS: "Global Discovery: Asia, Europe and Beyond.: TD: "Multi-Matter Management: An E-Discovery 'Lifestyle Change.' "
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