Friday, May 1, 2015

Jason Atchley : Big Data : How Software-Defined, Data-Aware Storage is Changing the Industry

jason atchley

How software-defined, data-aware storage is changing the industry

paula long steve duplessie
Historically, storage was viewed as one of the most stagnant parts of the data center, acting as a container where data would rest and potentially go dark, unless it was revived by a security breach or error that compromised private information and put employees, customers and the business at risk. In a recent interview with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), DataGravity CEO Paula Long spoke with ESG Founder and Senior Analyst Steve Duplessie about how software-defined storage is challenging this reality, and how data-aware technology takes the effort a step further. Below are three changes we’ve noticed as the rest of the storage industry takes note:
Storage is getting smarter.
Technology has moved forward enough in recent years so that storage systems can now do things like full-text indexing, tracing of user activities, and correlations and data transformations. Essentially, you can now fix what was “stupid” infrastructure and make your storage knowledgeable about the data that’s in the array.
The potential for storage innovation is higher than ever.
Smarter, more data-aware storage empowers teams to customize their storage processes to directly suit customers’ interests and needs, working with an improved cadence for storage updates, snapshots and backups. Fortune Magazine Contributing Editor Heather Clancy recently covered how data-aware storage drives this potential home in an interview she conducted with Paula. Clancy writes that data-aware storage supports CIOs and IT professionals as they sort through their data and use its contents to implement governance programs, improve employee collaboration and secure data at its core. When data insights can measurably improve business, their value and potential grow significantly.
Storage can address critical business questions.
Do you know every time one of your employees accidentally violates industry compliance regulations? Is data recovery a chore? Does your dormant data contain elements that can put your business at risk, or is it inherently increasing the costs of your storage strategy?
Data-aware technology helps companies identify which of their files contain elements like credit card numbers and personally identifiable information; which folders can be deleted or archived to improve storage management; and how to find misplaced or deleted files instantly. Answering these questions helps managers and C-level pros track the value of their data-aware investments, differentiating them further from the stagnant resource of unintelligent storage platforms.

Visit our solutions page to find out how data-aware storage can improve your business.
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