Gartner Researches’ Magic Quadrants are well known for categorizing innovations and defining the prevailing characteristics of tools and services in a specific marketplace. This year’s E-Discovery Software Magic Quadrant has identified the trends in the space, including predictions on the market size of the e-discovery software as well as an assessment of how the key players in the industry are preforming.
Those in the market for a new tool can use the report to quickly determine what vendors do best, and find the right fit for their practice. Twenty of the most popular e-discovery software suites were ranked for their ability to execute and for the completeness of their vision, dividing the group into four categories: challengers, leaders, visionaries and niche players of the e-discovery space.
Leaders: kCura Corp., FTI Consulting Inc.’s FTI Technology, Recommind Inc., ZyLAB, HP, Nuix Pty Ltd. and Exterro Inc.
Challengers: Epiq Systems Inc., Kroll Ontrack Inc., AccessData Group Inc. and Symantec Corp.
Visionaries: Guidance Software, IBM Corp., Catalyst Repository Systems and Microsoft Corp.
Niche Players: CommVault Systems Inc., Driven Inc., Ubic Inc., Xerox Corp. and LexisNexis
While 2014’s rankings were considered stagnant for including the same 20 names from 2013 (with only minor movement between categories, this year’s rankings showed the addition of several names as well as the exit of others including: KPMG, Stroz Friedberg and Integreon.
In addition to rating the 20 top performers within those quadrants, the research analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the group, providing a baseball card-like quick hit of what they do best and how. Legaltech News will dive deeper into that analysis with profiles and conversations with those vendors in the coming weeks.
Past identifying and categorizing leaders in the industry, Gartner’s research also took a holistic look at the industry. According to the research, the growth of the e-discovery marketplace continued unabated in 2014. Gartner estimated that total revenue for the enterprise e-discovery market was approximately $1.8 billion last year, and had a compound annual growth rate of 12 percent.
The growth is attributed to several trends, including a diversifying array of data streams that must be controlled within the context of discovery, as well as a continued desire to move e-discovery to more flexible, less expensive options.
One factor driving the evaluation and implementation of new e-discovery software is migration to Microsoft’s Office 365. According to the report, “Organizations are in the process of migrating email and documents into Office 365 and need to take a step back on what that means to their established e-discovery process and technology application.”
Another interesting trend identified in the research was the increasing proclivity of vendors to provide SaaS models of delivery. While the report warned that many of these are actually misidentified hosted solutions (which connect to a virtual environment via software installed locally rather than being accessible via Web as true SaaS platforms) it suggested that the method makes sense for those who have a variety of cloud-based information streams to consider in their discovery efforts.
According to the report,” This is a new area for e-discovery practitioners. The legal guidance and requirements on how to treat cloud data (social, website, Web email and Internet-of-thing content) within the e-discovery context is lacking. At the moment, organizations are dealing with the cloud data on an ad hoc basis.”
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